Generate Nomad tokens with HashiCorp Vault
HashiCorp Vault has a secrets engine for generating short-lived Nomad tokens. As Vault has a number of authentication backends, it could provide a workflow where a user or orchestration system authenticates using an pre-existing identity service (LDAP, Okta, Amazon IAM, etc.) in order to obtain a short-lived Nomad token.
HashiCorp Vault is a standalone product with its own set of deployment and configuration best practices. You should review the Vault Deployment Guide before deploying it in production.
In order to configure Vault's Nomad secrets engine, you will need the following:
A Nomad cluster with bootstrapped ACL system.
A management token (You can use the bootstrap token; however, for production systems you should use an integration-specific token)
A set of policies created in Nomad
An unsealed Vault server running v0.9.3 or later
For evaluation purposes, a Vault server in "dev" mode can be used.
$ vault server -dev==> Vault server configuration: Cgo: disabled Cluster Address: Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", tls: "disabled") Log Level: info Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false Redirect Address: Storage: inmem Version: Vault v0.8.3 Version Sha: a393b20cb6d96c73e52eb5af776c892b8107a45d ==> WARNING: Dev mode is enabled! In this mode, Vault is completely in-memory and unsealed.Vault is configured to only have a single unseal key. The roottoken has already been authenticated with the CLI, so you canimmediately begin using the Vault CLI. The only step you need to take is to set the followingenvironment variables: export VAULT_ADDR='' The unseal key and root token are reproduced below in case youwant to seal/unseal the Vault or play with authentication. Unseal Key: YzFfPgnLl9R1f6bLU7tGqi/PIDhDaAV/tlNDMV5Rrq0=Root Token: f84b587e-5882-bba1-a3f0-d1a3d90ca105
Configure Nomad secrets engine
Enable the nomad
secrets backend in Vault:
$ vault secrets enable nomadSuccess! Enabled the nomad secrets engine at: nomad/
For older versions of Vault, you might need to use the vault mount
command instead.
$ vault mount nomadSuccessfully mounted 'nomad' at 'nomad'!
Once you have the Nomad secret backend enabled, configure access with Nomad's address and management token:
$ vault write nomad/config/access \ address= \ token=adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159eSuccess! Data written to: nomad/config/access
Vault secrets engines have the concept of roles, which are configuration units that group one or more Vault policies to a potential identity attribute, (e.g. LDAP Group membership). The name of the role is specified on the path, while the mapping to policies is done by naming them in a comma separated list, for example:
$ vault write nomad/role/role-name policies=policyone,policytwoSuccess! Data written to: nomad/role/role-name
Similarly, to create management tokens, or global tokens:
$ vault write nomad/role/role-name type=management global=trueSuccess! Data written to: nomad/role/role-name
Create Vault policy
Create a Vault policy to allow different identities to get tokens associated with a particular role:
$ cat << EOF | vault policy write nomad-user-policy -path "nomad/creds/role-name" { capabilities = ["read"]}EOFPolicy 'nomad-user-policy' written.
If you have an existing authentication backend (like LDAP), follow the relevant instructions to create a role available on the Authentication backends page. Otherwise, for testing purposes, a Vault token can be generated associated with the policy:
$ vault token create -policy=nomad-user-policyKey Value--- -----token deedfa83-99b5-34a1-278d-e8fb76809a5btoken_accessor fd185371-7d80-8011-4f45-1bb3af2c2733token_duration 768h0m0stoken_renewable truetoken_policies [default nomad-user-policy]
Obtain and test Nomad token
Finally obtain a Nomad Token using the existing Vault Token:
$ vault read nomad/creds/role-nameKey Value--- -----lease_id nomad/creds/role-name/6fb22e25-0cd1-b4c9-494e-aba330c317b9lease_duration 768h0m0slease_renewable trueaccessor_id 10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2secret_id 8898d19c-e5b3-35e4-649e-4153d63fbea9
Verify that the token is created correctly in Nomad, looking it up by its accessor:
$ nomad acl token info 10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2Accessor ID = 10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2Secret ID = 8898d19c-e5b3-35e4-649e-4153d63fbea9Name = Vault test root 1507307164169530060Type = managementGlobal = truePolicies = n/aCreate Time = 2017-10-06 16:26:04.170633207 +0000 UTCCreate Index = 228Modify Index = 228
Any user or process with access to Vault can now obtain short lived Nomad Tokens in order to carry out operations, thus centralizing the access to Nomad tokens.